Sunday, 5 April 2009

The gig i just did

This is the archive of the gig i just did - i really loved doing it 42 people watched it and the response was wonderful. If you're wondering what i'm doing all the time i'm reading whats going on in the chat room. An hour of sunday afternoon guitar noodles. Its raw and messy a always honesty and integrity is valued over perfection. This is the setlist: Flies In the Basement Spencer Park(Really Slow!!!!) Dolls House Big Sky Jubilee Lake Man Get Carter Blue Filter West Green Burning Bandstands Thanks Matt Matt


Stephan Schwenk said...

This was a really amazing event. Thanks for this fantastic experience, Matt. Keep it up. Stephan

jimgoodin said...

Matt this was really neat man. I particularly liked the 3rd or 4th piece that you were using the dub like beat then doing your lyrical lines. Good stuff. uStream seems like it may be answering the need to live web performance without expense, I'm going to chk it out. Best with all Matt - I really like the informality of your website as well meaning mixing your music life and home life together. Jim


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