My name is Matt Stevens and I play the guitar and delay pedal.
I write and help people with social media "stuff".
I'm a musician and distribute my music online.
I want people to share it.
The most important thing is to get the music heard.
I ask people to pay for it, I'm not independently wealthy but I hope gaining an audience will eventually give me a decent standard of living.
Pay what you want has been good for free promotion and building a fan base but Relic will be my last release using this method. Thankfully a decent amount of people choose to pay and enable me to keep making records and paying the rent.
I feel very lucky to have an audience through this method and there will always be some kind of "free" album or EP to get people interested in my work available.
I make records because I love music, chord progressions especially. I want to surprise myself and the listeners.
My new album Relic is the last of three "guitar" records, I hope to take the music somewhere else after this and expand on the harmonic ideas in the first three records.
About 18 months ago I really messed up my back, I ended up stuck on the floor unable to move. I spent my days talking to people on the net and building a following, basically to avoid getting bored and going mad. I slowly got well, over a long period of time.
I also play guitar in The Fierce And The Dead.
Relic features Bass and Drums by Stu and Kev from Fierce And The Dead and violin from Chrissie Caulfield.
The Limited edition version has an extra disc and is nearly sold out.