Tuesday 21 October 2008

Oakley Arms

22.23 Finally cracked and brought some new trainers - converse again. Oxford Street was crazy busy: 211020082342 Bidding on a leather Biker Jacket on Ebay at the moment and working on some new songs. May I recommend Volcano by Baby Woodrose - the best Monster Magnet tune they never wrote. The Oakley Arms in Rushden is up for sale - the pub where I've played more than anywhere else - I virtually lived there as a teenager and saw some amazing bands. It was a great live venue metal, punk. psyche and DJ stuff often on the same night. I'll be gutted if they turn it into a Restaurant or flats. Surely live music is on the up now? Looks like the album will be out in January now and i'll do some gigs around then - releasing it myself on my own label is a bigger job than i thought, just hope people want it when its done. Hopefully i'll have more time to respond to messages now. Messing around with ww.jitterwall.com - loads of good people on there now. Really want to build a community around there and www.mattstevensguitar.com Take it easy Benny 191020082305 Tottenham Sky 191020082291 Matt Stevens www.mattstevensguitar.com mattstevensguitar@btinternet.com

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