8.52 am
The wedding was wonderful!!! Mrs S looked wonderful. Just an amazing day - thanks to everyone who sent very kind messages - I will write more soon (although I am happy at being able to play Frank Zappa, Fripp and the Mahavisnu Orchestra at the wedding reception). I played a short set at the reception - Wedding Looping??? Got to get ready honeymoon now.
Some photos - proper ones coming soon....
Wedding Looping
Made Of Stone
Scared Groom
10.16 am
I've finished my speech for the wedding, and done the playlist for the music(yes it does include Dexys Midnight Runners). Weddings are very stressful. Ordered £250 worth of booze online(I enjoyed that). THIS TIME NEXT WEEK IS MY WEDDING DAY!!!!!!!
Do i need one of these?
They sound a bit odd.An eighties vision of the future - genius. I'd feel a prat playing it thou(it sounds shite). They do sound crap in a very engaging way:
I found this Portishead with Chuck D doing machine gun- class,
I've done a new podcast - music from www.swanwelder.com, me and Luis Angulo and lots of me talking with a nasty cold. And some news about Guiraoke...
Have a look at this the sixty one- a great site for getting feedback on your music with a massively enthusiastic community. Its like myspace was a few years ago.
OK Twitter rocks!
It like loads of people talking at once - ITS A CONVERSATION!!!
I get it now - just follow a few people and they will talk to you. I got a message from someone saying that they listened to my Podcast as part of the ongoing conversation. Very interesting - you can only write up to 140 characters so clear and to the point communication is essential. You can get really good information straight back as well by putting a question out to your followers.
It appears to be what myspace was a few years back (ie good).
Also you can feed stuff you've found online out quickly - ie random bizarre stuff like this: